Sakara Life's Best Body Challege | In My Best Body I Feel ...

Sakara Life Best Body Challenge

What is YOUR best body?

When I first read that question, I immediately pictured 2011-2012 ‘Year of Jen.’ I was 26 y.o., a devout workoutaholic, and didn’t have the child-bearing hips I so lovingly own now.

I looked great. Waking up at 5 AM to attend Barry’s Bootcamp and not missing a pre-scheduled Barre class will do that to you. But more than anything, I felt better than any other time in my life. In the ‘Year of Jen,’ I took care of every part of myself - I became mindful of what I put in my body and intentional about how I took care of it. Suddenly, food and fitness became the necessary precursor for my mental well-being and I never felt more happy.

Your best body isn’t what it looks like, but how you feel in it. What is your best body?

Sakara Life wants you to help you feel your best in their four week Best Body Challenge. Build a fitstrongpowerful body with Sakara's coveted 4-week nutrition and fitness experience.


Sakara’s life-changing signature nutrition program

A total-body sculpting and strengthening workout regimen from Ballet Beautiful

A high-style workout look from Carbon38 ($200 value)

Limited-edition Sakara gym tote and barre socks + Energy Bars

Since having Eloise, I have to admit that it’s been a struggle to feel my best all of the time. Meal prepping and working out ends up taking a backseat to toddler tantrums and take-out. I want to feel what it feels like to be in my best body again, don’t you?

Use XOJENH at checkout to receive 20% off your order.

Feel good, mamas. You deserve it.

